The cash obtained from a bad credit business loan can kick-start your business’s growth and help get your finances back on track. Understanding Bad Credit Business Loans and Credit Score Business owners with bad credit may find it challenging to finance a startup or expand their existing businesses. Fortunately, bad credit business loans can make financing more accessible, even for less creditworthy borrowers and businesses without established credit histories. In addition to transparency in pricing and terms, the best lenders can quickly fund a bad credit business loan in one to two business days. Lenders typically consider both the personal credit score of the business owner and the business credit score when evaluating a loan application. However, the applicant’s personal credit score is of even greater significance for startups and other businesses without a credit history. To qualify for a bad credit business loan, a business owner must have a personal FICO score * of at le...
This blog is a helpful guide with tips on securing funding for your small business, with insights into how to approach investors and secure loans.